When it comes to mental health, society as a whole and workplaces specifically have become more comfortable addressing the topic. Progress has been notable, especially since the global pandemic, which brought related issues to the forefront as the world managed unprecedented crises and coping mechanisms.
But in order to promote ongoing mental health, especially among healthcare workers, it’s essential to keep the momentum level high.
Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that from 2018 through 2022, reports of poor mental health symptoms – often exacerbated by negative workplace conditions – increased more for healthcare workers than for those in other industries. For instance:
- The percentage of healthcare workers who reported experiencing harassment increased from 6 percent in 2018 to 12 percent in 2022. Among other essential workers, a change from 8 percent to 11 percent was reported over the same time period.
- In 2018, 84 percent of healthcare workers agreed that they trusted management. By 2022, this had dropped to 78 percent. Other essential workers reported a smaller drop in trust in management, from 81 percent to 77 percent.
Not surprisingly, workplace productivity also fell during the four-year period, both for healthcare and other essential workers. However, while the percentage of other workers who intended to look for new jobs decreased, the percentage of healthcare workers who planned to do job searches to improve their conditions and lifestyle grew from 33 percent to 44 percent.
You Can Advocate for Change.
It is also not surprising that healthcare workers reported fewer mental health issues when they felt they worked in supportive environments. Defining factors included employee participation in key workplace decisions and proactive, supportive supervisors who promoted stress management, psychological wellness, harassment-free work environments, and, last but far from least, enough time to complete tasks.
As a healthcare professional, keep advocating for and helping to build a workplace culture of mental health awareness and self-care among your fellow workers by building your own coping toolbox to manage stress, difficult emotions, and challenging situations. At the same time, advocate for improving mental health for yourself, your family, your coworkers and friends, and your community.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
Each May, National Mental Health Awareness Month provides opportunities for a national and global focus on achieving and maintaining good mental health. During this month and year-round at your workplace, look and advocate for:
- Management and leadership that are on board to create a psychologically healthy culture.
- Training for clinical and non-clinical professionals in mental-health promoting practices.
- Equity, diversity, and inclusion training and understanding.
- An organizational commitment to flexibility to ensure every team member finds the right work-life balance.
- Better mental health insurance coverage.
More information and insight can be gleaned from this recent McKinsey survey.
With an unfailing commitment to matching talented healthcare workers with top clinical facilities – while addressing mental health and all the concerns faced within the industry on a day-to-day basis – AlliedUP Co-op is here for you as you grow your career and/or build your allied, nursing, and professional staff. Contact us today to learn more.