As we celebrate Mother’s Day and honor moms everywhere, let’s give a special shout-out to the extraordinary women who navigate careers in the healthcare field at the same time they juggle maternal duties at home.
- According to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau statistics, women make up 76 percent of all healthcare workers. Many of them are also mothers – or will be at some point in the future. While all working moms face work/life balance challenges, there are unique needs to address in the healthcare arena.
Moms Make Amazing Healthcare Workers
There are outstanding moms, and there are outstanding healthcare workers – and by the very nature of each of those roles, some of their best qualities overlap. Such as:
- Sensitivity: With parenthood comes an innate sense of noticing when things aren’t right or are about to take a turn for the worse. This enables both the best mothers and the best healthcare professionals to take corrective action to prevent or minimize crises.
- Empathy: Children, like patients, often need a listening ear and a gentle touch, especially when scary problems or situations arise.
- The ability to multitask: Juggling multiple duties is nothing new to mothers or busy healthcare workers. Add the capability to pivot on a dime when the need arises – which can be often. If you’ve mastered managing your busy days with your children, the duties of a medical career are typically easier to handle.
- Attention to detail: Schedules, paperwork, appointments, communicating key information in a timely fashion … right up there with multitasking and adaptability, organizational strengths are key in both motherhood and healthcare.
- Calmness and self-control: Both moms and healthcare specialists need to be well-versed in managing their emotions and keeping a level head, even when things get intense.
Motherhood or your healthcare career – or both: These important qualities go hand in hand with the job.
We Salute You
AlliedUP Co-op honors the resilience and dedication of working mothers in healthcare and is committed to addressing their challenges. In an industry dominated by women, the need is real to address relevant issues affecting:
- Current working moms: Shift work is a special challenge, along with irregular weekly routines and, often, insufficient sleep. More resources and benefits are needed, and working healthcare moms need to be kept aware of them throughout their careers.
- Trainee moms: Flexible training programs should be a universal option. For instance, no one should have to delay having children for fear of missing out.
- New moms: Facilitation of breastfeeding at work, as well as acknowledgment of the very real impact of postpartum depression, need to stay on the front burner in this joyful but uniquely challenging time of life.
Whether you’re already a mom working in healthcare or you’re a mother looking for a new career direction, we can help you as a trusted resource for the best allied, nursing, therapy, and other opportunities in California and nationwide. We specialize in matching talented healthcare workers with top facilities, so contact us today to tap into our growing network – and let’s be better together.